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Parent/Family Engagement Plan

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Challenging and Preparing Our Students – We believe that a partnership must exist between our parents and our school. We promote positive communication between the school and our students’ homes. The school provides a variety of opportunities for parents to be involved in activities supporting our school. We believe teachers have a responsibility to provide the needed framework for parents to nurture their child’s formal instruction at home. We will provide materials that can successfully be used at home to reinforce the academic success for children.

At Williams Middle School, it is our goal to provide an atmosphere where parents are able to express their views and to assist in problem solving. We want parents to understand that we view them as joint policy and decision makers and plan to emphasize their roles as advocates. The following is a list of services and activities to promote parental involvement and provide additional support for student learning:

1.       School staff will use a variety of communication strategies to provide additional information to parents and to increase parental involvement in supporting classroom instruction.

·         The school will distribute a monthly newsletter to parents that is developed with participation of the parent-school organization, principal, staff, and parent volunteers. It includes school news, a calendar of school activities, and parenting tips relating to school achievement such as homework tips, organizational skills, and study skills.

·         The school will create and maintain a Website that will keep parents up to date on all school events and activities.  Also, parents can access their child’s grades using a PIN number they receive at the beginning of the school year. Parents may use e-mail to communicate with members of the school staff.

·         Teachers will routinely contact parents on an individual basis to communicate about their child’s progress.

·         The school will provide parents with report cards every quarter.

·         Teachers will routinely send classroom newsletters with pertinent information and upcoming classroom and school events.

·         The school will use the student handbook, school Website, and parent orientation meetings about the School Wide Title I Plan (School Plan) and how to get a copy upon request.

·         Phone Messages (E-Messenger), texts and e-mails sent to all families by administration.

·         All communications home will be presented in both English and Spanish


2.       The school will hold parent meetings, conferences, and activities regularly throughout the year to increase parental involvement and build staff capacity to engage in these types of efforts.

·         Williams Middle School will host Parent Café meetings, where our Parent Liaison and special guests will review and/or present school policies, protocols, and provide resources to parents.

·         School Site Council (SSC) will be composed of many members of the Williams Middle School community.  The SSC reviews and votes on the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA), Emergency Plan, school site budget, and many other agenda items throughout the year.

·         Parents of English language learners will receive updates and have a voice in the policies affecting their EL students - English Language Acquisition Committee (ELAC)

·         These meetings will include parent training sessions to help parents understand how to enhance their child’s education (literacy nights, parenting workshops, etc.)

·         The meetings will be held at various times during the day or evening to better accommodate parents.

·         Outside speakers will provide parents with more information concerning ways to make their child’s academic and social life more successful.

·         The school will hold an orientation for parents to inform them about the school’s participation in the Title I programs and to encourage parents to be involved with reviewing and revising the School’s Title I Plan (i.e. ELAC, GATE Parent Advisory Committee, SSC, etc.).

·         Teachers will hold conferences individually with parents of children in their classrooms. Parents will be given a summary of the student’s test scores and an explanation of the interventions teachers are using to assist the child in reaching achievement goals (parent conferences). Parents will be asked to engage in discussion of how they can support these efforts. Parents will also be given suggestions for coordinating school-parent efforts and explanations of homework and grading procedures.

·         The school will offer parents a special workshop each year to provide an explanation of the statewide assessment systems, standards, and other accountability measures.

·         The school will engage parents in the following types of roles and activities to increase their involvement and support for student learning.

·         Parent Liaisons and/or translators will be provided for all events/meetings.

·         The school will engage parents in the following ways:


·         Library technician

·         Back to School Night

·         Parent/Guardian Conferences

·         Open House

·         Multi-cultural Assemblies

·         Parent-School Organization

·         ELAC

·         Red Ribbon week

·         Tutoring

·         Meetings as requested

·         School Site Council

·         Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE)


3.       The school will provide information to parents about volunteer opportunities.

·         The school will provide opportunities for parents and community members to support the instructional program through such programs as Reading Buddies, tutoring, classroom helpers, etc.

·         The school will provide a list of volunteer opportunities and solicit ideas for other types of volunteer efforts during orientation of parents (Back to School Night). Teachers will explain the requirements to parents and encourage them to become involved in the school. Brief training sessions will provide parents and community members with the information they need to participate as school volunteers in order to put them at ease and make the experience pleasant and successful.


4.       The school will work with parents to create a School-Parent-Student Compact.

·         Williams School staff, parents, and students have a school-parent-student compact. This compact will outline how parents, school staff, and students share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership to help children achieve the State’s high academic standards. All stakeholders will sign the compact.


5.       The school will provide an opportunity for parents to engage in decision-making processes regarding the school’s Title I, Part A program.

·         The school will involve parents on School Improvement planning committees. To support this process, the school will offer both school staff and parents training on how to contribute to this process in a meaningful way.

·         The school will ask parents to serve on curricular and instructional review committees. To support this process, the school will offer both school staff and parents training on how to contribute to this process in a meaningful way.

·         The school will engage parents in decisions about the allocation of its Title I, Part A funds for parental involvement.


6.       The school will provide a Parent Resource Center for parents.

·         Parents may check out materials, use the computer to check grades, and visit educational Websites (computer lab available to parents in the evening). Parents will be encouraged to view the Title I Plan located in the Parent Resource Center or Media Center. A suggestion sheet will also be available for parental input. The school will open the resource center at hours that are convenient to parents.


7.       The school will engage parents in an evaluation of parental involvement efforts.

·         The school will engage parents in the annual evaluation of the Title I, Part A program’s parental involvement efforts through an annual evaluation using a survey filled out by teachers, parents, and school staff. The Title I Committee, made up of teachers, parents, and school staff, will determine the effectiveness of the parental involvement plan and make changes if warranted. While collecting evidence about satisfaction with the program, the school’s efforts to increase parental involvement will be a part of the evaluation. The survey will also collect specific information on the (1) growth in numbers of parents participating in workshops and meetings; (2) specific needs of parents; (3) effectiveness of specific strategies; and (4) engagement of parents in activities to support student academic growth.


8.       When are the policies reviewed?

·         The parent Involvement policies are reviewed annually (in September/October) at the beginning of the school year and end of the school year (April/May) with School Site Council and ELAC committee.